
Thursday, 29 November 2012

CQJP 2013

The Crazy Quilt Journal Project is going to be run again next year. (CQJP 2013). Many people from all over the world participated this year and it was a great success.

The idea is to complete a crazy block that is at least 6" square every month and post it on the CQJP 2013 blog. You must register to be part of the fun and it is open to everyone from beginners to advanced sewers.

Registration is open now and closes on the 12th December 2012. Click on CQJP 2013 to find the rules and to register.

You do not have to have a blog to participate. I enjoyed being part of CQJP 2012 and it was lovely to see everyone's  block every month. There is  also a Facebook group and I found that one of the most enjoyable parts of the challenge because I met some lovely online friends who would post their photos and talk about their blocks.

I haven't decided if I will take part in 2013 yet. I have a busy teaching schedule next year and I also have 2 new quilts to make that are not crazy quilts. I wanted to start them this year but I couldn't find the time. I also have my Waverley Art Quilters group and I'll be in my second year of my Quilt Valuation training. So much to do and so little time!

Bye for now,

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

CQJP 2012 November

I actually finished my November Crazy Quilt Journal Project block very early in November but put it aside as I was preparing for my daughter's wedding. My theme is Christmas and this month I made it a bit easier on myself by putting a beautiful tatted wreath in the centre. I added some beads to give it some sparkle.

CQJP Nov 2012 © Linda Steele

I have made the various blocks all different sizes and this is one of the 12 inch blocks.

This is what the block looked like before I added the embroidery.

CQJP Nov 2012 base block
Here's a close up of the tatted wreath. I bought it years ago at a small quilt show and I always found it too big to use. It was perfect for this block though. I bought a book on tatting when I was last in Houston, it's something on my to-do someday list!

I have a couple more close-ups from the block.

Christmas stocking

The year's flying by and there is only one more month to go in this Crazy Quilt Journal Project. It is going to be run again next year. I'll look up the details and put them in another post for you.

Bye for now,

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Wedding day

It's been a while since I visited my blog because I have been very busy with my daughter's wedding last weekend. It was a wonderful day and everything went to plan and my daughter Bec and her new husband Andrew were so happy. Parents can't ask for more than that!

I took a few photos myself and I can't wait to see the professional photos but they are going to take 6 weeks.

Andrew and Bec
Andrew and Bec


Here's a photo of me and my daughter Alison who was one of the bridesmaids.

Linda and Alison

I have hardly done any sewing for the last month because of the planning, dress fittings, shopping and organising. I did do a little bit of sewing though, I made a small ring cushion with their initials embroidered inside a heart and I forgot to take a photo of it!

It is now four days after the wedding and the newlyweds are on their honeymoon and my sewing is still packed away. I think I was more tired than I thought. Suddenly the wedding is over and I have to start thinking about Christmas and the end of the year because I have not thought beyond the wedding this year.

I am getting back to sewing next week.

What a wonderful time it was though.

Bye for now,

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Houston 2012

The International Quilt Festival in Houston USA is on at the moment and yesterday all the prizes were awarded. I was lucky enough to receive 3rd prize in the Embellished category for my quilt Naturally Crazy.

Naturally Crazy ©2012 Linda Steele
I have been to Houston twice before and it is a fantastic quilt show. Every quilt is magnificent and beautifully lit and displayed. Not only are the judged quilts on show but there are many more quilt displays as well.

It is a very friendly show and you can also do classes with the top quilters from all over the world and there is a huge vendors hall. You need to spend all four days at the show to see everything and one of the best things is how well organised it is. Shuttle buses run all day between the Convention Centre and the big hotels that are nearby. I am feeling very envious of the people that are there at the moment.

Here are a couple of close up pictures of my quilt.

England ©2012 Linda Steele
Here is the link to all the prizewinners . Unfortunately you cannot see the close-ups you have to be at the show to see all the wonderful detail. The IQA put out a magazine every year with pages of close up photos and it's called International Quilt Festival Quilt Scene. I have ordered a copy but it hasn't arrived yet.
Australia did well with 4 prizes but I couldn't believe that Japan won 20 prizes. Many countries are represented; it really is an International competition.

The Houston show is the Academy Awards of Quilting.

Bye for now,