
Saturday, 21 December 2024

Merry Christmas 2024

 It's taken a couple of years but I think I have taken back control of my life. I have been over committed for a while and discovered that it takes the joy out of things. A car accident in the middle of this year was the last straw and I realised that something had to change. It is really hard to say no.

I have resigned my job as Head of Exhibitions and Convenor of the Victorian Quilt Show and stepped down as the leader of the Waverley Art Quilters after 14 years.

It is a relief and means that I can concentrate on one job, President of Ozquilt Network, which is the Australian and New Zealand Art Quilter group.

Our last two subjects for the Waverley Art Quilters was Tomma Abts, a German born abstract oil painter who lives in London and Andy Warhol, an American modern pop artist.

Andy Warhol was known for his depiction of Campbell Soup cans, so I chose a jar of Vegemite which is a popular spread in Australia.


I noticed that Tomma Abts used shadows in her work, so I used organza to make shadows in my quilt.

Tomma Abts

I hope to get a lot more sewing done next year, seeing as I have shed some responsibilities.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Bye for now,



Magpie's Mumblings said...

Congratulations on being able to step down from some responsibilities. I know how hard it is to do that, but that it's a huge relief as well. Now you'll have time to do some fun things, just for you.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!

jude's page said...

You have had some very busy years Linda, time to step back now. Enjoy

Linda Steele said...

Merry Christmas Magpie Mumblings, I know you have encouraged me before to shed some responsibilities and feel relieved that now I have.

Linda Steele said...

Thank you Jude, I am starting to relax again. Merry Christmas

Robbie said...

Life is short and we can't miss a beat! ENJOY! hope 2025 brings you joy and happiness....always love seeing your beautiful work & workmanship!!!!

Linda Steele said...

So true, Robbie, life is short and I plan to enjoy my time. Thank you.

nestki said...

Happy New Year, Linda!

Linda Steele said...

Happy New Year to you Nestki