
Tuesday 14 May 2024

100 Day Project

 Have you heard of the 100 day project? I have heard about it for the last few years but never participated because I am always so busy. But, guess what? I will always be too busy.

This year, I read that you only need to do something for 15 minutes a day to participate. I have wanted to try watercolour for ages and have dabbled a little but found it very difficult.

I had recently bought a book called Creative Abstract Watercolor by Kate Rebecca Leach. I set up some paints and some paper and made the commitment to paint for 15 minutes a day and follow all the projects in the book. 

Creative Abstract Watercolor

I was hopeless at first, I didn't know how much water to have on my brush or how much paint I was supposed to use but I persevered and I started to get the hang of it. I didn't give up, I kept reminding myself that I am a beginner.

Not only did I keep going, I really started to enjoy it.

Here are some of the pages that I have done. Don't be too hard on me, I am a beginner who is teaching herself.

I have finished all the projects in the book and now have bought an online course called Sketching for Watercolour. I am loving it so far and some days I spend much longer than 15 minutes. 

One of the things that I am enjoying about it is that it is such an easy clean up compared to acrylic painting. I love painting in a compact sketchbook.

I started this adventure on the 1st March and so I suppose the 100 days will finish in June.

It is quite amazing how you can improve by just trying for 15 minutes a day. You have no idea how bad I was in that first week.

I love learning a new skill too, it's supposed to be good for us!

Bye for now,



Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm not a painter but I can so 'see' your paintings printed onto fabric! I like the 15-minutes approach and I know it works for a lot of things.

Linda Steele said...

Thanks Magpie Mumblings, everyone has a spare 15 minutes and so we can gradually build our skills