At the beginning of this year I looked around my house and decided that it needed a bit of updating. We built this house 21 years ago and that was before I started or had even heard of quilting.
Once quilting took over my life I hadn't given the house or decorating a second thought. It was time for a change.
I started with the family room which had been a salmon pink colour. We painted the walls a creamy white and gave away our lounge suite. When I ordered new furniture and curtains I had the bright idea of keeping everything a neutral palette and using colour for the accessories, that way I could change the colour when I wanted.
The funny thing is that after I had changed everything I realised that I had lived with the room the same way for 21 years and had never taken a photo of it. It was too late for a photo and I could only see snippets of the way the room had been by looking in the background of some family photos. The photo below looks a bit bare because I had already taken away the old accessories.
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The old style room |
When I first suggested the idea to my family they liked it but said that I would never be bothered changing it! That made me more determined.
For winter I went with a red theme and I picked up red things here and there that were mostly on special so it really didn't cost very much.
I especially loved how I could use my red quilts to decorate the walls for the first time. I really enjoyed the having a change.
Summer is here now in Australia and so it was time for a colour change and I packed away the red accessories and chose a cooler teal theme.
My quilt, Star Crazy that is behind where I sit and sew every night is not teal but I think I get away with the blue quilt.
We also repainted and got new blinds and bed covers for our bedroom and next year we plan to do the bathrooms and the kids bedrooms.
It didn't take much effort to make the change and it feels so much better.
Do you use your quilts for decorating?
Bye for now,