
Tuesday 18 April 2023

AQC 2023

 After four years the Australasian Quilt Convention (AQC) was back in Victoria. We just slipped into it like it had never been away.

It was held at the beautiful Royal Exhibition Building, such a lovely place to spend our time.

The Royal Exhibition Building

 Even though I live in Melbourne, I stayed in the city so I didn't have to drive back and forward every day. I stayed with Clare, a lady that I met on the Morocco Tour. 

I took a photo from upstairs where the classes were being held.

Every year, they run a challenge and this year's theme was called In Full Bloom. I didn't make one this year but my friend, Sue de Vanny won 1st prize.

Grow Around You by Sue de Vanny

Second place went to Elizabeth Dubbelde for her quilt, Denim in Bloom

Denim in Bloom by Elizabeth Dubbelde

Viewer' Choice went to someone else I know, Karen McGregor for her quilt A Feast of Nectar. She was absolutely thrilled.

Karen McGregor with A Feast of Nectar.

Here is a close up photo, she had thread painted the birds and the blossoms.

A Feast of Nectar detail

There was a miniature quilt display by award winning artist Kumiko Frydl, she was also a teacher at the Convention.

Kumiko Frydl Display.

We had never seen such perfect miniatures before, every one was a treasure. The one below was only 10.5 inches square.

Mission Impossible 2 by Kumiko Frydl

There was also a display of quilts from the International du Carrefour European Patchwork Meeting in France. They were so different from our quilts. It was especially good to meet the French ladies because I am going to their next show in France in September this year.

This was the quilt that was on their posters and advertising.

Brave Lucy by Rhoda Bennett

The Australian Quilt Show is in it's second year and this year I entered 2 quilts. The prizes were announced on Wednesday night at the cocktail party. I was absolutely thrilled to win 3 prizes for my quilt Life Goes On

I was sitting next to Gloria Loughman and she won 2 prizes for her quilt, so we excitedly had a photo together.

I was so surprised to win a prize, I didn't even have a photo of it. I put the news that I had won the prizes on Facebook and people started asking to see a photo. I had to wait until the next morning to pin the rosettes and have a photo taken.

Life Goes On by Linda Steele

I won a Judges Commendation for Modern Quilts and Best Machine quilting for a mid or longarm machine and Best Abstract quilt. How amazing, you just never know!

Best of Show went to another modern, abstract quilt by Lyn Crump.

Bev 10-08 by Lyn Crump.

It was a wonderful four days and so lovely to catch up with all my quilting friends from all over Australia. We even managed a catch up with the SAQA Oceania group, normally we only see each other via Zoom.

SAQA Oceania Meeting

Everyone loves the Quilt Convention, which is why people travel from all over Australia to be there. The dates have already been set for April next year.

Bye for now,



Magpie's Mumblings said...

Yay! Congrats once again for being an award winner! Seeing the winning quilts here sure makes me wish I could have been there to see them in person. Certainly can't imagine thread painting those birds! And Brave Lucy is one I definitely would have loved to see because I rather like dragons.

Linda Steele said...

Thanks Magpie Mumblings, it was good to see a quilt show again, there are so many talented people out there. The dragon quilt was very popular, but all their quilt were good.

nestki said...

These quilts are absolutely amazing, including yours of course. Thank you, and thanks to all the artists, for making the world a better place. Thank you so much for sharing your works and the works of others so that your readers' lives can be enhanced.

Linda Steele said...

Thanks Netski, we are so lucky to have our supportive and friendly quilting community.

jude's page said...

Congratulations Linda. Amazing work from you, yet again!

Linda Steele said...

Thank you Jude, that's very kind